Fans Are Poking Fun At Spider-Man: Far From Home Having To Pretend Infinity War Didn't Happen


Fans Are Poking Fun At Spider-Man: Far From Home Having To Pretend Infinity War Didn't Happen

Spider-Man: Far From Home will be the next solo adventure for the Marvel Cinematic Universe's wall-crawler, but everybody who has seen Avengers: Infinity War knows there's something of a problem with that. Specifically, the fact that Tom Holland's Spider-Man is, within the continuity of the current MCU, very dead. As Sony has begun to promote the upcoming sequel, fans aren't letting the studio ignore what's going on.

The issue is that Spider-Man: Far From Home is set for release only two months following the release of Avengers 4, so we all know that Spider-Man will return, as we expect most of the deaths from the end of Avengers: Infinity War to be undone. Of course, knowing that's the case on a logical level and seeing a studio trying to actively market the project are two very different things. It certainly makes the events of the recent film seem unimportant, as many are remarking on Twitter.

It's certainly a difficult tightrope to walk. Even if Spider-Man: Far From Home wasn't a movie we knew was coming, we'd still expect to see the webhead on the big screen again. The thing is that seeing a trailer for Far From Home before we see Avengers 4 doesn't simply reveal the spoiler that Peter Parker is alive, it potentially also reveals other details about the world post-Avengers 4. Because I'm pretty sure this isn't accurate.

It feels like there's a way to play this down the middle and use the events of Avengers: Infinity War in the marketing for Spider-Man: Far From Home. We know that Spider-Man will be back, but we don't know exactly how. Perhaps they could play up the question of how the movie will even work as part of the promotion. Though, this reaction might be a bit extreme.

Unless Sony does something crazy and waits to release a single trailer until a month before the movie opens, we'll be seeing Spider-Man in his new movie before we actually see how he survives Avengers 4. It's going to be interesting to say the least.

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