John Travolta's Gotti Movie Currently Has The Worst Rotten Tomatoes Score


John Travolta's Gotti Movie Currently Has The Worst Rotten Tomatoes Score

Although John Travolta impressed television audiences a few years back for his Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated portrayal of Robert Shapiro in The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, the film side of his career has been quieter lately. But it looked like Travolta was ready to make a big splash again with Gotti, which sees him playing John Gotti Sr., the New York mobster who became the head of the Gambino crime family. Alas, not only does it look like Gotti won't be a critical darling, it also currently ranks at 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, making it among the worst of the worst.

At the time of this writing, there are 17 reviews up for Gotti on Rotten Tomatoes, and none of them have positive things to say about the movie. Now keep in mind that the chances of Gotti staying at 0% aren't necessarily strong. As more reviews come in, the more likely it is that there will be a positive one in the mix, thus pushing it off the very bottom to a single digit percentage or possibly even making it to double digits. Nevertheless, it looks like Gotti will go down as one of the most poorly-reviewed John Travolta movies, and thus probably doesn't bode well for the movie's commercial performance. This is the third Travolta movie to earn a 0% score, following behind 1983's Staying Alive and 1993's Look Who's Talking Now, though let's not forget that those other movies came out before Rotten Tomatoes existed.

First announced back in 2010, Gotti finally started moving forward in 2015, and a year later, the rest of the movie's supporting cast was announced, which includes Kelly Preston, Stacy Keach, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Spencer Lofranco, William DeMeo and Leo Rossi. Originally Gotti was supposed to be released direct-to-VOD on December 15 of last year, the same day that Star Wars: The Last Jedi dropped, but 10 days before that date, Lionsgate not only pulled its release, but also sold the movie back to its producers, as they wanted it to have a wide-theatrical release. By March, the new June 15 release date was announced, and a month later it was revealed that Vertical Entertainment was the new distributor. Gotti subsequently premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, but judging by the reviews that have come in so far, I doubt it will become a fondly-remembered theatrical tale as the years pass.

Gotti is now playing in theaters, but if you're interested in learning what other movies are arriving in theaters later this year, you can find release date information in our 2018 premiere guide. As for John Travolta, his upcoming movies include Speed Kills and Trading Paint, neither of which have been dated yet.

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