The Emotional Reason Rocketman Should Be Seen In A Theater, According To Taron Egerton


The Emotional Reason Rocketman Should Be Seen In A Theater, According To Taron Egerton

Classic rock icons are becoming staples at our local movie theaters. Queen powered last years Bohemian Rhapsody, which attracted huge crowds (and got the Academys attention). And this year, movies focused on Bruce Springsteen (Blinded By The Light) and The Beatles (Yesterday) will be making a play for audience ticket dollars.

Before those drama/comedies hit, though, Paramount wants people to flock to the movies to see Rocketman, Dexter Fletchers movie-musical thats inspired by the life and times of the legendary Elton John. The song-and-dance blockbuster uses the hazy memories of Johns rock escapades to craft a winning narrative. And when CinemaBlend recently sat down with Rocketman lead Taron Egerton, who plays John, we landed on the emotional reason why he thinks this movie deserves the bog screen treatment. He told us:

Eltons music is something we all share. I would go so far as to say as a species now. We are all united over the fact that everyone knows and if they have any taste at all loves his music. And so, I think the shared experience of going to see it in the cinema now look, obviously, Im here selling my movie as well. But I really believe this. I think going to see it in the cinema with a whole group of other people will heighten your emotional reaction to it. And aside from that, just the sound. It needs to be blasted at you.

Theres something to be said about these big-screen treatments of the classic-rock icons of decades gone by. Youll never be able to see Queen in concert again. So paying for a movie ticket to see a faithful recreation of the bands Live Aid set becomes the next best thing.

The same goes for Rocketman. With Elton John tickets currently tracking north of $300 for his farewell concert, theres a very good chance that fans reading this now wont be able to make it to a local concert. And while Rocketman doesnt necessarily replace the feeling of seeing Sir Elton on stage, it does bathe you in the power and solemnity of his songs, while also giving fantastic insight into the creative collaboration between John (Taron Egerton) and Bernie Taupin (Jamie Bell).

Directed by Dexter Fletcher, Rocketman is told from the perspective of Elton John while hes in rehab. It starts during his youth, and continues through his hall-of-fame career. And while we agree with Taron Egerton that his quotes make it sound like he is selling his movie, we can ALSO vouch for the fact that the costumes, the sets and the musical arrangements found in Rocketman absolutely demand that you go see this full-blown musical on the biggest screen possible.

Heres Taron Egerton talking Rocketman with us:

And you will be able to see for yourself once the movie musical bops into nearby theaters on Thursday night. Get your tickets now, if you havent yet.

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