The Rock's New Hobbs And Shaw Cast Photo Is The Most Badass Yet


The Rock's New Hobbs And Shaw Cast Photo Is The Most Badass Yet

There are plenty of blockbusters looking to steal your attention this year, but none of them quite match the masculinity of Hobbs and Shaw. The first ever Fast and Furious spinoff teams up Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham to fight against Idris Elba. Johnson can always be counted on to hype up his projects, and he shared a new photo of the movie that might just be the most badass one yet.

Thanks to their great onscreen chemistry, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham are getting their own Fast and Furious movie. Their two characters, Hobbs and Shaw, became frenemies in Fate of the Furious. Their funny insults and rivalry marked a highlight of the movie. Not too much is known about the plot of this film, but it will involve Hobbs and Shaw teaming up against Idris Elba's villain Brixton.

Dwayne Johnson has always been an active force on social media, promoting his projects and sharing pictures from the set with his fans. The actor has already shared a few images of Hobbs and Shaw, which featured the first images of Idris Elba and fellow franchise newcomer Vanessa Kirby. Now Johnson has shared a look at the core trio of Hobbs, Shaw, and Brixton, each one looking real tough and staring intently.

Here's what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson had to say in his Instagram post about the photo and working on the movie:

An exclusive lil' taste of biggest showdown the summer has ever seen. The Outlaw Lawman, HOBBS. The International Spy, SHAW. The Baddest Bad Guy the Fast & Furious franchise has ever had, BRIXTON. We're either gonna get along, or we get it on. Fuuuck gettin' along, gettin' it on is way more fun. On a biz note, this film has been a fun one to produce, and our [global] audience is gonna have an absolute blast this summer.

Now, in case it isn't clear, people are going to be gettin' it on in this movie, and they're going to be doing it a lot.

This being the first Fast and Furious spinoff, I'm very curious to see how people react to Hobbs and Shaw. In addition to the over-the-top action, the draw of Fast and Furious is the ensemble, so how will a smaller cast play out?

That being said, they couldn't have picked a better cast to start it off. Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham were two of the best parts of Fate of the Furious, and Idris Elba as the "baddest bad guy" ever? Sign me up! Plus, it looks like it won't have a short supply of badass. There's plenty of black leather to spare in that photo.

Hobbs and Shaw -- which was given the full title Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw -- is all set to hit theaters on August 2, 2019. For everything else hitting theaters this year, check out our 2019 movie release guide.

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