Warner Bros. Responds To Henry Cavill Superman Departure Rumors


Warner Bros. Responds To Henry Cavill Superman Departure Rumors

DC's live action universe has had an absolutely fascinating journey, as Warner Bros. quickly attempted to catch up and compete with Disney's MCU. It all started with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, which was not originally meant to kickstart a shared universe. Starring Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Snyder told a decidedly darker origin story for the beloved character, and Supes he was expanded through the use of ensemble films like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. The entire DCEU started with Cavill's last son of Krypton, which makes his rumored departure from the role all the more shocking. Warner Bros has finally responded to the report, albeit vaguely. The statement reads as follows:

We have a great relationship and great respect for Henry Cavill that continues to remain unchanged. Additionally we have made no current decisions regarding any upcoming Superman films.

Looks like the studio is being a bit cagey about Henry Cavill's possible exit from the Superman mantle. This shouldn't be too much of a surprise, as his departure would have grave affects on the greater universe. So what's next?

Warner Bros.' statement, which comes to us from THR, may indicate that negotiations are still happening to keep Henry Cavill in the DC universe. Considering the current state of the behemoth franchise, this would make sense. Ben Affleck has been long rumored to be leaving his role as Batman, and now with the actor back in rehab, that seems all the more likely. The shared universe was built upon Batman and Superman's shoulders, so can it survive without DC's most iconic characters?

Henry Cavill's possible departure from the DCEU is just the latest in a line of missteps for the still budding franchise. While the MCU is mostly a well oiled machine, Warner Bros. and DC are still very much figuring out their rhythm. There have been a ton of projects and directors announced, before promptly being retracted by the studio. Most recently, Alec Baldwin was cast as The Joker's father in Todd Phillips' origin movie, before dropping out just a few days later.

Man of Steel may have started the DC Universe, but it's unclear if the franchise will ever get a proper sequel. Zack Snyder seems to have largely washed his hands clean of the universe-- although he's got an EP credit in James Wan's Aquaman. Now if Henry Cavill hangs up his iconic red cape and steps away from Superman, we should kiss any possible Man of Steel sequel goodbye. We'll just have to wait for an official announcement regarding Cavill's fate.

The next installment in the DC Universe will be James Wan's Aquaman on December 21st, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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