How Much Money Will Other Movies Make During Endgame's Opening Weekend?


How Much Money Will Other Movies Make During Endgame's Opening Weekend?

As you must have heard by now, Avengers: Endgame is in theaters and it's doing pretty well for itself. That's obviously an understatement, as the film shatters box office records and is poised to break a few more before long. However, Endgame isn't the only movie in theaters right now. Those films have absolutely zero hope of getting first place, but how will they perform when one movie is the center of all the attention? Relatively decent, by the looks of it.

Other than Endgame, the other films currently in nationwide theaters include The Curse of La Llorona, Shazam!, Captain Marvel, Breakthrough, Dumbo, Little, Missing Link, Pet Sematary, and Us. A lot of different options for moviegoers to choose from, but on the whole, none of these films are projected to make more than $11 million this weekend.

The Curse of La Llorona is likely to take second place this weekend. The horror film, which follows a mother in the 1970s trying to protect her kids from a ghost, is currently projected to gross $10.5 million, according to Box Office Mojo. The movie opened last week to $26.3 million. Llorona has grossed $65.2 million worldwide. Overall, the Conjuring Universe film has performed well and, seeing as its one of the newer releases, it makes sense that it takes second place.

Following Llorona is likely to be DC's Shazam! The superhero movie is projected to close out the week with $9.1 million. Shazam! opened a few weeks ago to favorable reviews and has enjoyed a healthy box office run so far. The film currently sits at $328.6 million worldwide, which isn't too bad for standalone first time superhero.

Endgame isn't the only Marvel movie in town. Captain Marvel is still kicking. The film has already made over $1 billion worldwide and cemented Carol Danvers into the MCU, but this weekend will still see it gross around $7.3 million more. Funnily enough, you can also see Captain Marvel appear in Endgame for a double dosage of Carol.

Those three are the most significant numbers of the bunch. The rest are currently projected to be as follows: Breakthrough, $6.1 million; Dumbo, $3.8 million; Little, $3.8 million; Missing Link, $2.4 million; Pet Sematary, $2.3 million; and Us, $1.9 million. Not exactly numbers to write home about, but some of these titles have been in theaters for a while now, so it's natural that they are grossing much smaller numbers.

We'll have to wait and see how next week shakes out. The two big releases are Ugly Dolls and the comedy Long Shot, but it doesn't seem likely that either will be able to dethrone Endgame. That honor might go to Detective Pikachu the following week on May 10, but who can say at this point?

You can see any of the above movies in theaters (unless your local theater shut out anything not called Endgame), or you can go see Avengers: Endgame again.

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