How Yondu Would Defeat Thanos, According To Michael Rooker


How Yondu Would Defeat Thanos, According To Michael Rooker

Few deaths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have hit us harder than the demise of Michael Rooker's Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. He was a fan-favorite villain/anti-hero, and his loss was a massive blow to Peter Quill leading up to Avengers: Infinity War. His absence from the impending war also raises the question of how Yondu could've helped in the looming battle against Thanos, and Rooker seems to think that his Yaka Arrow would've been a big help. During an appearance at Awesome Con in Washington D.C. over the weekend, Rooker explained:

I'd shoot him with my arrow or something. When he's not looking! Preferably by surprise 'cause I wouldn't want to go head-to-head with him. He has the thing with the things on it!

It's no secret that Yondu had a knack for fight dirty when he was alive. The guy's Yaka Arrow has become known as one of the most powerful weapons in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Rooker claimed that he would use that to his advantage to take Thanos by surprise and nail The Mad Titan when he wasn't looking. Spoken like a true Ravager, right?

We should also take a second to note that the Yaka Arrow could still technically play a role in the fight against Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. Though Yondu died during the events of the most recent Guardians of the Galaxy film, he also bequeathed his Yaka Arrow to Sean Gunn's Kraglin by the end of the movie. The weapon still exists in the MCU, so it could play a role in the epic showdown in the same way that the Iron Man armor and Thor's potential new hammer will.

That said, Kraglin would need to perfect his use of it. As you can see from the following clip, the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 shows that he still needs plenty of practice.

Of course, Michael Rooker is no fool, and he made a point to acknowledge the fact that Thanos will have plenty of power of his own when he finally takes center stage in Avengers: Infinity War. Continuing his comments during his Awesome Con appearance (via, Rooker addressed the looming threat of Thanos' Infinity Stones and said:

Yeah, Yondu's arrow is pretty formidable, but you know, with those stones that's power. That's raw, awesome power he's got and he's gonna wield it very soon. I hope you all go to the movies and see.

We will get to see the awesome power of the Infinity Gauntlet in full force when Avengers: Infinity War debuts in theaters later this month on April 27.

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