Whats Happening With Potfest, According To Broken Lizard


Whats Happening With Potfest, According To Broken Lizard

Broken Lizard is about to get into the sequel game with Super Troopers 2 when the film debuts on April 20, but there's another sequel that their fans have waited to see as well: Potfest. The comedy troupe recently teased fans with the promise that they do have a Beerfest 2 idea ready to go, and CinemaBlend had a chance to ask for some more updates on that front during the recent Super Troopers 2 press day in Los Angeles. Addressing the possibility of a Beerfest sequel, Broken Lizard confirmed that they want to proceed with the marijuana theme teased at the end of Beerfest and make it a star-studded affair. They said:

Steve Lemme: It's like Rambo: First Blood Part 2. Potfest: Beerfest Part 2. I mean at the end of Beerfest we had Willie show up and as a joke he said, 'Super-secret pot smoking competition,' and you know, 'Coming soon, Potfest.' But then Willie called up. He was like, 'We are gonna do that one, aren't we?' And Snoop Dogg, he was like, 'We gonna do that piece, no?'Jay Chandrasekhar: Michael Phelps.Steve Lemme: Bill Clinton.

As fans of the original Beerfest will likely recall, the first film ends with our heroes winning the titular competition and journeying off to Amsterdam. While there, they run into Willie Nelson, who subsequently invites them to join him in a brand-new competition called Potfest. Though nothing ever actually came of it, Steve Lemme and Jay Chandrasekhar's comments during our interview not only suggest that this is where a Beerfest follow-up would go, but big names like Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg want in on the action.

That raises questions about what it will actually take to get Potfest made. Continuing in our conversation, the Broken Lizard guys remarked that the success of Super Troopers 2 will play a substantial role in getting the wheels turning on their next sequel. Kevin Heffernan and Jay Chandrasekhar explained:

Kevin Heffernan: It depends. If people get out there on 4/20 to support this one, then we'll be able to make the next one.Jay Chandrasekhar: In order to see that movie, you have to go to this movie.Kevin Heffernan: It unlocks it.

This explanation makes quite a bit of sense. After all, Super Troopers 2 was never a guarantee, and Broken Lizard had to resort to a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund a substantial portion of the budget. If that sequel can make a strong impression on audiences, then they might gain the necessary traction to convince a studio to make Potfest.

With all of that said, we will see what happens when Super Troopers 2 opens this weekend on April 20. Check out the long-awaited sequel when it finally debuts, and make sure to keep an eye on our 2018 movie premiere guide to see what else is coming to the big screen this year!

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