Benedict Cumberbatch's Hilarious Response About Doctor Stranges Avengers 4 Fate


Benedict Cumberbatch's Hilarious Response About Doctor Stranges Avengers 4 Fate

The tough part about being in any Marvel movie is that you can't talk about that the contents of the blockbuster. Marvel Studios loves its secrets, so why let an actor spill the beans in some interview? A Marvel actor has to be very careful about what they say, but if anyone has taken this with stride, it's Benedict Cumberbatch. The Doctor Strange actor has mastered the art of the interview as he recently proved with his hilarious answer about Strange being in Avengers 4.

I'm dust, baby. I'm just out there. I'm in the ether. I'm probably part of your food chain. I'm in your stomach somewhere.

Doctor Strange brought his A-game in Avengers: Infinity War, going mano a mano against both Thanos and Tony Stark's ego. This only made it all the more disappointing when he was one of the many characters who was wiped out by Thanos' Snap. However, Strange laid some interesting clues before he vanished into dust-- hinting that he knew the end game. Does this mean that Strange is a shoo-in to return to Avengers 4? Cumberbatch isn't going to tell you that.

Jimmy Fallon made the mistake of asking Cumberbatch questions about Avengers 4 when the actor appeared on The Tonight Show. The talk show host asked Cumberbatch if he was going to be in Avengers 4, but the actor was fast to retort-- trained by Marvel to be a vault upon which the secrets are locked. According to Cumberbatch, Doctor Strange is dust in the wind, and you might have accidentally swallowed him at some point.

Well, he certainly knows how to keep his lid on tighter than Mark Ruffalo does, at least.

Despite the climactic fate of characters like Strange, Black Panther, and Spider-Man, most fans are expecting all of these heroes to return by the time the credit roll in Avengers 4. As to how that will happen, there's no shortage of theories, such as how everyone is actually trapped in the Soul Stone. However, Marvel is being extra stingy with those spoilers this time around, and people will just have to wait until the movie is released to get more info.

The wait for a trailer (or any detail about this movie) has been especially long, but we're finally reaching the end game. The trailer will be arriving before the end of the year, and Avengers 4 will follow suit once it arrives in theaters on May 3, 2019. This is a highly-anticipated movie so be sure to learn everything you can about it with our What We Know So Far guide. For everything else Marvel-related, we've collected all the big releases right here in this handy list for you to check out.

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