Ant-Man And The Wasps Evangeline Lilly Has Ideas For An All-Female Marvel Movie


Ant-Man And The Wasps Evangeline Lilly Has Ideas For An All-Female Marvel Movie

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been on a serious hot streak lately, as every film in Phase Three has been both a critical and financial success. But the future of the MCU is largely up in the air, as the studio hasn't revealed plans for Phase Four, or what will happen after the events of the still untitled Avengers 4. There are plenty of ideas being tossed around, including projects that seem like more of a pipe dream than a viable option. The latter includes an all-female Marvel movie, which was informally pitched by some ladies of the MCU to Kevin Feige. Plenty of Marvel's femme fatales have expressed their interest, and it turns out that Ant-Man and The Wasp's Evangeline Lilly has some specific ideas for the potential project. Namely, which character should lead the team. As she tells it,

Well, it seems only natural Captain Marvel would lead because she is a general? And she's the captain. And Captain America leads the other Avengers, right, so maybe Captain Marvel would lead. I'd think so.

That's certainly a new exciting aspect to the constantly rumored female Marvel movie. Every team needs a leader, and Evangeline Lilly believes the Brie Larson's Captain Marvel, who will finally debut in her solo movie, is the perfect choice. Given her massive powers and experience in the Air Force, Lilly's got a point about Carol Danvers' leadership abilities.

Evangeline Lilly's comments to Pop Buzz will no doubt excite the many Marvel fans out there who are hoping that future is female in the MCU. While the first two phases of the shared universe focused on white male characters, Phase Three helped to diversify the shared universe, focusing on characters of different races, ages, and genders. Ant-Man and The Wasp and Captain Marvel are the first installments to feature female characters in the title, and the idea of bringing all of the MCU's complicated and hard as nails ladies together is almost too good to pass up.

Excitement over an all-female Marvel movie began months ago, when Thor: Ragnarok's Tessa Thompson revealed she and MCU stars Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, and Zoe Saldana had actually come up with the idea at a party, and then spoke to former Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige about it. While far from an official pitch or a business meeting, the idea of Marvel's women teaming up for an adventure got the fandom very excited. Evangeline Lilly seems similar jazzed, adding:

I think I'm being a bit old fashioned and maybe a little bit rigid about this, because if it is an all-female Avengers film, then the sky's the limit. We can reinvent the wheel. We don't have to do anything that anyone's ever done before. We can just make it all up and change the game.

Now is the perfect time for the MCU to take some risks, because The Russo Brothers certainly didn't hold themselves back during the events of Avengers: Infinity War. So many characters died that audiences dumbfounded, and it's unclear how the greater shared universe will continue after the events of Avengers 4.

The next installment in the MCU will be Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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