Emma Stone Can't Imagine Her Life Without Ryan Gosling


Emma Stone Can't Imagine Her Life Without Ryan Gosling

Some movie match-ups just work, and thankfully some work so well together that they are given an on-screen encore. Among them is Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone who have shared the screen with their magnetic chemistry since 2011 with Crazy, Stupid, Love. While at the Telluride Film Festival promoting her new film The Favourite along with being honored for her highly successful 11-year career thus far, the 29-year-old Academy Award winning actress couldn't help but touch upon importance of Gosling in it. Here's what she said:

I can't even imagine what my life would be without Ryan. He's so special. It makes me emotional. He's so talented but he's such a great person to work with because he's so collaborative and excited about the process. He's taught me a lot about being really generous.

Emma Stone fondly talked about her dear friend and colleague at a Q&A during the festival (via Us Magazine). When the talented actors first starred as love interests in Crazy, Stupid, Love., the ensemble comedy had the actors recreating the Dirty Dancing lift right as Stone was gaining momentum as a breakout star with roles in Zombieland, Easy A and The Help. In 2013, Gosling and Stone found each other once again on screen in the Los Angeles-set noir, Gangster Squad in between her two-movie stint as Gwen Stacy in the Amazing Spider-Man series. Then, the pair experienced a new height in their careers with La La Land, which had them on award show stages being recognized for their dazzling performances. Stone also commented on how their acting relationship began during the Q&A. In her words:

The moment he walked into the audition of Crazy, Stupid, Love, we had an unspoken understanding of each other.

It's safe to say the duo of actors have quite a bit of history, and have shared some memorable moments in their career together. Since their dreamy waltz into the hearts of moviegoers with La La Land, the stars have both continued to be a part of highly-praised films, gaining more Oscar buzz. Last year Emma Stone starred as tennis player Billie Jean King in Battle of the Sexes, will soon make her Netflix series debut in Maniac and her upcoming period piece The Favourite recently premiered with high acclaim. Ryan Gosling made waves last year in Blade Runner 2049 and his portrayal of Neil Armstrong in Damien Chazelle's First Man is a performance is not to miss, come October.

The pair are somewhat of on-screen soulmates, as we cross our fingers in hope that they will find each other again in more film projects in the future. For now, the actors will still be seen as their upcoming releases with First Man coming to theaters on October 12 and The Favourite on November 23.

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